Monday, January 14, 2008

Causes of WW1

The Assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinad of Austria was a major trigger for WWI also known as The Great War. Archduke Ferdinad was killed by a serbian, after his death Austria declared war on Serbia. There were two powers in the Great War. The Entente powers that included France, Britain, Serbia, Romania, Italy, United Kingdom, and the Russian Empire. The other side was called the central powers that were led by the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and German empires. The main reason that the United states entered the war was because the Germans attacked an American ship, and United states was neutral. The U.S. entered the war however they maintained their distance for the remainder of the war. The Central powers lost, the empires has split up and there were many new countries. That was one of the few positive outcomes of the war. As a result of the war Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, and Czechoslovakia, all gained independence from the German empire.

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