Saturday, November 17, 2007

Karl marx and communism

Marx's idea of communism is that people live in a classless society. Every person having the same amount of pay, and people producing only what they needed. Nothing more, in a communism society every one gets the same pay. Marx saw the badness of capitalism, how some people use others to their advantage to get rich.

Karl marx and the industrial revolution

Karl marx felt that factory workers was being treated like slaves. the conditions was very harsh and unsafe. Karl Marx argued that workers, rather than landlords, should control factories and farms. He urged the workers of the world to unite in a worldwide revolution.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Pride in one’s country or culture is the defitnition of nationalism. Im a Nationalistic person for many reasons. One example, is when i was in elementary i would always sing the national anthem. Austia and the Spanish owned the territories that made up Italy. Later in time the Italians were getting sick of their current rulers.